Unsere Partner
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher China-Gesellschaften (ADCG)
Dachorganisation Deutscher China-Gesellschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Hier gehts zur offiziellen Website
Henan people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (HPAFFC)
Liaoning people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (LPAFFC)
Zhengzhou people´s association for friendship with foreign countries
Xiamen people´s association for friendship with foreign countries
Qingdao people´s association for friendship with foreign countries
Jilin people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (JPAFFC)
Beijing people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (BPAFFC)
Neijiang people´s association for friendship with foreign countries
Sino Europe Regional Economic Cooperation Center Zhengzhou
Luoyang People´s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Chinesische Freundschaft China