Unsere Partner

Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)

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Shenyang People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (SYPAFFC)

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher China-Gesellschaften (ADCG)

Dachorganisation Deutscher China-Gesellschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

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Henan people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (HPAFFC)

Liaoning people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (LPAFFC)

Zhengzhou people´s association for friendship with foreign countries

Xiamen people´s association for friendship with foreign countries

Qingdao people´s association for friendship with foreign countries

Jilin people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (JPAFFC)

Beijing people´s association for friendship with foreign countries (BPAFFC)

Neijiang people´s association for friendship with foreign countries

Sino Europe Regional Economic Cooperation Center Zhengzhou

Luoyang People´s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Chinesische Freundschaft China